Phase III
Providing M&A Advisory Services for Small to Mid Size Companies
Phase III
QUALIFICATION AND DEAL STRUCTURE: Verification of the financial and other qualifications of potential acquirers and negotiation of proposed terms and conditions for the presentation of letters of interest or intent to acquire. Then negoticate all counter proposals between the buyer and client.
DEAL STRUCTURING AND DUE DILIGENCE: Deal structuring, presentation of offers, letters of intent, and purchase agreements. Coordination and consultation with accounting, legal, and estate planning specialists in negotiation and satisfaction of requirements and concerns of the parties.
AGREEMENTS – CONTRACTS: The transaction escrow attorney will draft the definitive documents and papers used for closing. This is always based upon the letter of intent but contains several documents that pertain to the closing process itself. Exit Equity, the intermediary, will coordinate with buyer and seller professionals for their review and consult with the respective accounting, legal, and estate planning specialists in the preparation of closing documents.
CLOSING: At this time the transaction escrow attorney and the buyer and seller hold the final closing. After consideration and agreement of all definitive documents by both buyer and seller counsel comes the execution of closing documents, recording of documents, transfer of funds to seller and possession of business to buyer. This includes all state, federal, and local filings to indicate the business has been sold, and there is a new owner.